Using Better Questions to Accelerate Learning

Questions have the ability to enhance learning and are essential for adaptive teaching. They are probably one of the most effective tools teachers have to accelerate embedding information into long-term memory. But what does the research actually say about the different types of questions we can ask, the timing of them, and most importantly, how we get high quality answers from our students. As well as covering seminal research, this session will also give practical tips and suggestions.

Edward Watson

Director, InnerDrive

The Science of Learning

This highly interactive and engaging session will explore the latest and greatest research into how students actually learn. We will explore the limitations of working memory, as well as covering what the evidence suggests are the most effective ways to help students learn. As a bonus, it will also cover which are the popular studying strategies students choose that in reality tend not to be all that helpful.

Edward Watson

Director, InnerDrive

Resilience and Motivation in Education

Resilience and motivation are arguably some of the most important skills we can help young people to develop. But quite often this can morph into a “just believe in yourself“ mantra. But once you dig into the research on resilience you realise there are many evidence informed strategies that schools and teachers can use to develop real resilience in students. This workshop will cover the development of resilience through classroom environment, feedback and other strategies that we can use to enhance motivation and resilience in young people.

Edward Watson

Director, InnerDrive

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